The next morning we head put early in the morning without hardly any sleep. The bus took us down the mountain, and on to another bus back to Anqing. It broke down and we hung out for an hour until it was repaired and we could continue. Back in Anqing a few random people welcomed us back knowing we had left the day before. Somehow word got around. We called a friend of Mike's to meet, but it did not work out, so we trudged around. Walking past a shoe shop we heard some really cool music, so we stopped in and asked them if we could copy it. So we did, and the store staff were quite amused. We grabbed some food, hit a squawking zombie filled internet cafe. The resthouse owner came with is to revisit Kim Jong at the bus depot to help us get a good price and see us off. OUr friend from the Suzuki shop dropped by with some food for the trip. The people in Anqing were the best. We head out very grateful to them on a bus with beds, thankful to a Korean dictator for securing us 4 spots on the bus, driven by his brother who squawked at people on the bus until his voice went hoarse. Tiny kids were crammed into the aisles along the way. Mike was cooked in the back of the bus, before I took his place and sweat more in that shirt than I have ever sweat in any shirt over and over without washing before.We made friends with the sweet kids on their way back to their families from school, on break.
They were patient with our weak Chinese and we traded snacks. Mostly we tried to sleep, stopping once for a quick bathroom break and once for food in the middle of the night. Passengers were nice and tried to make sure we all knew when to eat etc.