I spent the day setting up a small stage and backdrop to begin testing lighting for “Risalo” again. I put all the lights on stands. Imran, Umar and Kristeen helped and we all had a discussion on what was good and what was still lacking.Most of all, we are lacking a strong key light. Each of the lights needs to be diffused or softened to reduce the prominent reflections in the puppets faces and create more beautiful lighting over all. I have a few diffusing umbrellas and we can used other cloth or paper to soften each of the lights. This of course reduces the intensity of each light as well, so I need a stronger key light. Along with jury rigging some kind of lighting, probably a halogen light, I will need to figure out a way to suspend it above the stage at an angle. Once again, it’s not a process of just picking up some gear. I will need to go to several places and research parts that can be put together.It was good to work on some more tests. Every round brings me closer to being able to work on the puppetry portion of the film.