After some work on background paintings we head over for a delicious brunch at my aunt’s place. She showed us several beautiful oil paintings she had made. One was a painting of the Alhamra Art’s Council building which she had painted on location. It was really great to see.Afterwards my cousin dropped us off at a theater workshop by my friend Imran at the Institute of Performing Arts. It was fun to go through the exercises he had put together to get us thinking about various aspects of theater such as telling a story in words, then with facial expressions and body language. We also did a mirror exercise, where one person had to basically mirror the actions of another. There were some voice and breathing exercises and in the end we split into two groups of 6 and put on small, improvised plays.From there we head back to Mall Rd. We grabbed some egg and potato parathas at a little dhaba, before heading to Chaman for their amazing ice cream. I would say that counts as a pretty good day.