Once again, I continued with the phonetic script. I have 3 out of 4 chapters completed. I’ll write a few more notes on it and print up these versions to be prepared for the recording session. I wish I did not have to be so on top of every little bit of the production, but I have noticed that when I am not, details are being omit from the script.

These days are very difficult to get through. I’m having a hard time imagining another 3 weeks of this. Multan, where the puppeteers live is also very hot. It is tough to keep pushing forward when there has already been a lot of suffering, and there is plenty yet to go. At times like this, I am grateful that I finished the animatic long before this part of the process. With a good plan in place, you can focus on executing bits even when things are rough, but it can be hard to muster the energy to create from scratch in this state of mind.In the evening, I went to visit Javed, Faisal, Shahid and Abdullah. The evenings are not cool like they were a week ago. I still sweat at night and the breeze is all but gone. Even the roof was hot and there were mosquitoes or something biting my feet, so I came back, and just stayed up until I was tired enough to fall asleep, despite the heat.